Didn’t manage to submit an entry for the friday challenge as I was out enjoying several alcoholic beverages with some folks from my work. A good time was had by all, be it somewhat emotional as a few team mates were moving on to other jobs.
Anyways – no hangover this morning – just a sore throat from talking in loud pubs! And so I visited Outcast and saw that yesterday’s theme was to do a poster for a James Bond movie. [link] Given that Sean Connery is still my favourite Bond (although Daniel Craig is growing on me quickly in the role) and I have seen Dr No more times than I can remember I thought I would do something in the form of a playing card – the Jack of Hearts to be precises. I think this is fitting since Bond is a big fan of cards (bacarrat) and they is a bit of a jack the lad, breaking womens hearts wherever he goes. Also the two heads flipped makes an interesting design i think. This took about 2 hours to do. Over this challenges 90mins but was enjoying it.
For those not on tablets or unwilling to flip your screen or unhinge your neck – I have included the reversal of the image too