Tag Archives: Henry McCoy

WSC 151011 Zombified – Beast

The weekend challenge over at Outcast is to make your favourite character into a ravenous zombie [link]

I decided to do Beast (Marvel 616 classic blue pre kitty cat version) and he is where I have got to so far – beast bouncing down a corridor in the x-mansion looking for more brains  and encountering someone scanning the hallways for zombies – hence a targetting overlay for the zombie detector built and operated by Forge (probably)

For those interested in this sort of thing, here are some of the WIP steps

Note that I changed the overlay text based on a suggestion by Nate over at outcast to make it look more like a database output.

Deviant DSC Weekend Challenge: X-Men First Class

This weekend’s sketch challenge  [link] was a 2 hour rendition of the X-Men (your preferred perfect class in the original uniforms.  Well the Original or First Class was my preferred choice so here we are:

Characters: X-Men, Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman, Jean Grey
Copyright: Marvel

Tools: Paint Tool Sai
Time: 2 hours
Fun: Lots!

And here are a couple of WIP steps for those interested in that sort of thing:

Craig Rousseau’s Avengers Color: LocalHero

Craig Rousseau Pencils. Bob Almond Inks. From the 2001 Heroes Con Program Guide Colored in PSPX2 using many many multiply and screen layers. Can’t remember if this was an official Avengers line up (perhaps West Coast?) – Vision, Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch, Beast, Black Panther.

Classic Beast. Art: Bob McLeod Color: LocalHero

Found this Bob Mcleod drawing of Beast on my old hard disk and thought I would have a go coloring it. The background started as a generic sci fi off the web, recolored in the style of the movie complex and the smoke added. The dotted pattern added over the floor is a digital representation of dna. The rest is just many colored layers.

Nomads: The Beast Unleashed

Image created to show an evolution in my Nomads RPG character – after an event which caused extreme stress (both physical and mental) to Hank, he underwent a further transformation into a more hulk like form (due to the gamma exposure). The image itself is based from an Ed McGuinness image of Hulk from during the run with Mark Waid i think.

Obviously the hulk usually wears ripped pants, but as Hank was wearing his X-Men uniform made of unstable molecule, it realigned itself to fit his larger form. I had to edit the lines of the original image to accomodate my character features and the uniform. I think I did alright. And also a new signature created from this image:


Nomads: In Defence of Beastly Memories

This is a collection piece I did using mostly images I had previously submitted, pulled together as part of an image based on my current Character in the Marvel-Boards.co.uk RPG – Nomads. The only new parts, are the unmutated Beast created from a bust (recolor, replace head, new eyes) and The Beast in the corner (colored form the Ultimate Beast). My Character is Hank McCoy aka The Beast. This depicts him remembering his former Defender’s team mates – Hulk, Valkyrie, Iceman, Angel – and himself before his transformation.

Nomads – Profile: “The Beast”

Real name: Henry “Hank” Peter McCoy

Occupation: (current) Adventurer, (former) Biochemist

Identity: Publicly known

Legal status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record

Other aliases: None

Place of birth: Dunfee, Illinois

Marital status: Single

Known relatives: Norton (father), Edna (mother), Robert (uncle)

Group affiliation: (former)X-Men, Defenders

Extent of education: Ph.D. in Biochemistry

Base of operations: Mobile; (former) Xavier Institute, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York State; Defenders Mansion, Colorado;

History: Henry McCoy’s father, Norton, worked at a nuclear power plant where he was exposed to massive amounts of radiation during an accident. Norton was unharmed, but the radiation affected his genes, and as a result his son Henry was born a mutant. Unlike most superhuman mutants, Henry showed signs of mutation from birth: unusually large hands and feet. Thanks to his superhuman agility, strength, and speed, Henry became a star football player as a teenager. His remarkable athletic abilities attracted the notice of Professor Charles Xavier, who was forming the original X-Men.

He joined the X-Men, taking the code name “Beast.” A brilliant student, McCoy completed his doctoral studies under Xavier’s tutelage, and finally left the X-Men and Xavier’s school to reorganize another super-hero group, the Defenders, into a more formal combat organization. His X-Men cohorts Angel and Iceman served in the Defenders along with him, alongside The Hulk and Valkyrie.

After battling and subduing the Absorbing Man, Hank took it upon himself to try and find a cure for Creel’s situation. Valkyrie returned to Asgard and obtained a sample of the herbs used by Loki to give Creel his powers. Developing a serum he believed would cure Creel, Hank was preparing to inject Creel when he broke loose. As Hulk and Hank struggled to subdue Creel once more, Hank was accidently injected with the serum. The serum interacted with Hank’s mutant gene and the ambient Gamma radiation from the Hulk causing radical physical changes.

His skin turned green and he grew fur over his entire body, his ears became larger and pointed, and his canine teeth became larger, resembling fangs. The serum also further increased his superhuman agility, endurance, speed, and strength. Driven over the edge by the pain of his transformation and his changed appearance, Hank turned on his fellow Defenders, badly injuring Warren and Bobby, while Valkyrie and Hulk were concentrating on Creel. Hank then disappeared into the wilderness.

Tracked down by Xavier using Cerebra, Hank is finally coming to terms with his transformation but is still troubled by terrible rages which he struggles to keep under control, knowing that in losing control he might free the animal within him and lose his humanity forever. Now known as “The Beast”, Hank has become part of a ragtag group of adventurers, pulled together to try and mend the rips in the fabric of time and space. His Current Team mates are Sinistra (Victoria Essex, daughter of Nathaniel), Marie LeBeau (wife, and mother of Gambit’s as yet unborn child), Sam Guthrie (Cannonball, in his 50s had more or less retired from active heroics), Otto Octavius (New York’s premier hero after saving it from many menaces, including his long time foe The Spiderman), WildChild (The teams other beastly member.. beastly by nature and personality), Scott Summers (a young mutant just beginning to understand his optic blasts), Collosus (former member of Weapon X, now battling against them) and Eve (the younger daughter of Kurt and Wanda Wagner, niece of Magneto). Together they are “The Nomads”.

Height: 5 ft. 11 in.

Weight: 355 lbs. Eyes: Yellow/Orange

Hair: (originally) Brown, (currently) Green

Other distinguishing features: Covered with fur, unusually large hands and feet, pointed ears, fang-like teeth Known superhuman powers: The Beast has the superhuman strength, agility, endurance, speed and dexterity. He is strong enough to lift (press) 4,000 pounds. His legs are powerful enough to enable him to leap 30 feet high in a standing high jump, and 50 feet in a standing broad jump. He is able to crawl up brick walls by wedging his fingers and toes into the smallest cracks and applying a vise-like grip on them. He has enough power to smash through a eight-inch thick oaken door with a single blow or tie a six-inch solid steel bar into a knot.

He has the agility of a great ape and the acrobatic prowess of the most accomplished circus aerialist and acrobat. Ha can walk a tightrope or a slack rope as easily as most people can walk on a sidewalk. He can walk on his hands for many hours, or perform a complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs. He can easily match or top any Olympic record at gymnastics apparatus (such as flying rings, climbing ropes, horizontal bars, trampolines). Further, his manual and pedal dexterity is so great that he can write using both hands at once or tie knots in rope with his toes.

The Beast is quite fast, able to run on all four at approximately 40 miles per hour for short sprints. His stamina is approximately quadruple that of a well-trained athlete in his prime. His physiology is durable enough to permit him to take a six-story fall without a broken bone or stain (providing he lands on his feet). At the time of his further mutation into his present furry form, his metabolism underwent a period of accelerated change. As a side effect, he was able to metabolize and recover from penetration wound to his body within a matter of minutes. Since then, his body’s metabolism has stabilized and he no longer has quite such a rapid recovery rate. He is still able to recover from most wounds within a few hours.

Nomads: Beast (Animated Signature)

Recolored and animated version of an Ultimate X-Men comic cover. This was created to be used over at marvel-boards as a tribute to my character in their ongoing RPG game Nomads (an Exiles themed rpg – not limited to characters based on Marvel originals but those are preferrred).


Anyway here we see Beast caught in a storm (lit by lightning flashes):

Blast from the Past: We all stand together!

Another of my older manips that i didn’t submit at the time. This is just a collection of busts plonked together in a ‘come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough’ kind of pose. At the time i wasn’t confident enough to try and give the colossus bust arms, so the placing of the other characters is more or less to hide the fact he’s (h)armless…