Tag Archives: Goblyn Queen

Goblyn Queen Re-Inked and Flat Colors

Found some time the past couple of evenings to do some more work on the Goblyn Queen. This involved tweaking the line work based on some excellent comments over at Outcast Studios. Basically thinned a lot of the upper linework and thicked some of the lower lines, especially the demon at her knee. Added some extra detailing to the skulls and some more rock to the right hand side. Also some bits of shading.

Anyway here is my initial take on the flat colors:

And for those completists, here are the new uncolored inks:

Goblyn Queen Inked

Well some of you may remember a couple of weeks ago I did a sketch for the dailysketchchallenge of Marvel’s Madelyne Prior aka the Goblyn Queen.  I finally got around to finalising the sketch into an actual finished digital inking. Ended up changing a couple of the goblins and stuff like the gloves etc.

Let me know what you think..

Edit: Tweaked the background to make it darker, to enhance the demons eyes in the gloom behind her

Deviant DSC 05/09/2011 Madelyne Prior / Goblyn Queen

For today’s #DSC [link] I got a bit carried away but still never got to the point of “inking” heh.. Oh well here is just over 45 minutes work (of a 30min deadline DOH) of Madelyne Prior or the Goblyn Queen as she was sometimes known. Had a lot of fun sketching goblins and creatures

Used a photo of Yamila Diaz for reference for the pose.

I may come back to this and finish it, hence WIP 😉