Tag Archives: Franklin Richards

Say Cheese (Thing & Franklin) [Art: Mike Deodato] Colored

Another piece I started a while back and never got round to finishing. I loved this grey scale drawing created by Mike Deodato of Ben and Franklin the moment I saw it. It really captures the family feeling that Fantastic Four comic exudes when well written. Anyway this was basically coloring over a grey scale image to get the basic blocking, and then creating additional multiple/overlay and screen and gradient fill layers to give the color the same depth that the greyscale image had. Once I was happy with the coloring I flattened the layers and then applied a brush strokes filter to give it a more messy look. Most of this was done way back in 2004 however I never posted it then. I had another look at it today and tidied up some of my masks and edging and tweaked some of the coloring as I wanted Ben to be more orange than the original stone color I had. Anyway hope you folks out there enjoy it. And thanks again to Mike for making a great image in the first place