Tag Archives: Deviant DSC

Deviant DSC 06/09/2011 – Poison Ivy

Well I got home from work and started doing the #dailysketch challenge while my dinner was cooking, got distracted by tv, came back to the sketch and didnt like it so started again.

This image took just around 45 minutes – a bit beyond the 30 min time limit but I wanted to add a bit of color to it. I based it on an old life study I did so I had the pose already, just needed to redraw it.

Challenge: Poison Ivy
Tools: Sai
Copyright: DC Comics

Deviant DSC 05/09/2011 Madelyne Prior / Goblyn Queen

For today’s #DSC [link] I got a bit carried away but still never got to the point of “inking” heh.. Oh well here is just over 45 minutes work (of a 30min deadline DOH) of Madelyne Prior or the Goblyn Queen as she was sometimes known. Had a lot of fun sketching goblins and creatures

Used a photo of Yamila Diaz for reference for the pose.

I may come back to this and finish it, hence WIP 😉


Deviant DSC Weekend Challenge: X-Men First Class

This weekend’s sketch challenge  [link] was a 2 hour rendition of the X-Men (your preferred perfect class in the original uniforms.  Well the Original or First Class was my preferred choice so here we are:

Characters: X-Men, Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman, Jean Grey
Copyright: Marvel

Tools: Paint Tool Sai
Time: 2 hours
Fun: Lots!

And here are a couple of WIP steps for those interested in that sort of thing:

Deviant DSC – Gatchaman/G-Force Ken Washio

Today’s #dailysketchchallenge was Ken Washio / Eagle from Gatchaman. I remember this better as Battle of the Planets/G Force so I did this using a screen cap from the cartoon for reference.

The left hand image is the sketch and almost final lines done in the 30 minute time limit.

The right hand image is the finished greys/shaded – done in just over 60 minutes (with text etc).

Using Paint Tool Sai.


Deviant DSC Weekend Challenge – Localhero As Watchmen’s Rorschach

For the Weekend Challenge over at #dailysketchchallenge we were asked to do an image of ourselves as a hero or villain, and include an image of yourself that you used as reference. I decided I would do Rorschach from the Watchmen as I remembered I had this image of myself in a big coat (taken for my travel pass I think) from a couple of years ago.

Here is the image as at just after the 60 minute mark (challenge time limit). I will post a completed image because I enjoyed this so much I wnet on to finish it (color/background)! The fun bits so far were recreating the Comedian’s badge from scratch and coming up with an inkblot for the mask – I have tried to tie the pattern into my own facial features so a heavy block over/around the eyes and a hint of the mouth and beard at the bottom.


And here is the final version of my Weekend Challenge from #dailysketchchallenge. Finalised the coloring and recreated a background from the comic (smoggy sky). Smudged up the inkblot to make it look more like the movie and added lots of shading and highlights etc. Coat and hat now also have a texture as does the mask.

Done completely in Sai. Finished piece took around two and a half hours

DSC 12/08/2011 Arisia Rrab – Green Lantern of Sector 2815

Well for this sketch challenge http://outcaststudios.com/forums/index.php/topic/10989-daily-sketch-challenge-vol-16-05/ I was inspired by a pose I saw in the Supergirl - May Happy Returns Trade Paperback where Supergirl meets Supergirl!

Anyway the basic sketch here took about 20minutes and then another 15 to get the coloring done.

So here we see Arisia Rrab, Green Lantern of Sector 2815

WSC 07/07/2011 Tiger Blood Panels

Decided to go and try some sketch challenges. Here is the first: http://outcaststudios.com/forums/index.php/topic/10831-weekend-challenge/

Complete a 4 panel layout for Sweattshop's comic Tiger Blood:

Panel 1. (Worms eye - medium) Tiger Blood is crouched on a rooftop edge. The moon rising behind him.

Panel 2. (Birds eye - wide) Over TB's shoulder we see four thugs with guns waiting outside an alley way door.

Thug one: "We're gettin' payback tonight"
Thug two: "Hey, maybe cops shouldn't have families. It's a dangerous line of work.

Panel 3. TB leaps into the thugs ripping the chest of one thug, grabbing the gun of another while it fires into the air. 
TB: Roooarrr!
FX: tat tat tat tat 

Panel 4. TB has the thug by the throat and two others are pointing their guns in TB's direction but everyone is staring at the shadowed figure with the reptile hand.
Reptile: "Ssss, Kitty bleeds now..."

Well it is not something I usually do but was kinda fun - not sure if I really met the brief but gave it a shot.

WSC 010711 Shaun of the Dead

Another weekend another sketch challengeover at Outcast – the challenge was to sketch up your favourite animation or transform a non animated show or movie into a cartoon. http://outcaststudios.com/forums/index.php/topic/10808-outcast-staffers-weekend-challenge/

I love Shaun of the Dead with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and thought it would make a great ongoing animated series so here is my “poster” for it. based on movie promotional material.