Category Archives: Colour

Outcast Studios – Live Draw Night – 25/09/2011 – Hour 4

Outcast Studios (home of the Deviant Daily Sketch Challenge) had a great little event this evening – a mock convention Artists Alley with appropriate fan request challenges. [link]

The fourth hour challenge was a particularly fun one (despite my ongoing stomach pains) – recreate a comic cover but instead of the original subject(s) use one of the revamped characters from DC ‘New’ Universe. I decided to use Spectacular Spider-man No 40 [link] as the inspiration. So instead of Peter Parker changing into the Lizard, we have Dick Grayson changing in Killer Croc. Kinda.  It’s late, it took longer than I planned and is the best I can manage at the moment. Realised after I posted it I hadn’t finishing coloring some bits – sue me. I’m tired and sore.









Outcast Studios – Live Draw Night – 25/09/2011 – Hour 3

Outcast Studios (home of the Deviant Daily Sketch Challenge) had a great little event this evening – a mock convention Artists Alley with appropriate fan request challenges. [link]

The third hour challenge was split into two parts, each with a 25 min time limit:

  • Produce a Group shot with Doc Strange, Iron Fist, Batman Beyond, Spidergirl and Powergirl.
  • Produce another Group shot with the above but change the sex of one character and the age of another.

I made a start but my stomach started hurting and I had to take a break. When I came back I got the basic layout of the first part figured out, but it was nowhere near good enough to post so I just left it and moved onto Hour 4.

Edit: I managed to concentrate on Monday night long enough to get the two parts completed and posted.

Part 1 – (Including time spent last night) Took 1.5 hours:


Part 2 – Changes took just under 25 mins. Powergirl became Powerman, and Iron Fist let himself go a bit as he got older: