The Corinthian, from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman was the subject of todays challenge
This took about 45 minutes in Sai
Marvel’s Manphibian – done for the daily challenge. [link]
I seem to be channelling creature from the black lagoon/killer croc and the Lizard though…Hsssss..blub..pop
Sketch challenge today was Victor Crowley from the Hatchet series of slasher films. [link]
just over 30 mins in Sai
Another oldie sketch challenge from 22 July 2010 – Isaiah Bradley from Truth: Red, White & Black by Robert Morales and Kyle Baker. Used bodybuilder Victor Martinez as reference for this. Also thanks to the grungy paper texture by bashcorpo was able to age the colors and try to make it look like a flyer that had survived the end of the war.
Original Challenge: [link]
Another DSC catchup. Finding going back through challenges I missed is great practice and also a great source of ideas for images. Anyway from July – Bucky Barnes [link]
I was going to draw him frozen but then thought it would be a better shot of him holding cap’s shield wondering if he could ever fill that role – and nowadays we know he can 😉
The weekend challenge for 22nd/23rd Oct 2011 was to create a haunted/horror house scene [link] As my stuff towards the end of the week has been cartoony, I decided to stay with that style. A few little nuggets in this one for the eagle eyed.
As for the title – a reference to the Hammer House of Horror movies I watched as a kid.
Was sketching Apocalypse and ended up inking it up in Sai. Don’t know really why I thought of the speech – figured as Apocalyse has such a pale skin color, Avon Cosmetics might be a constant pain in the butt trying to sell him stuff
Apocalypse is copyright Marvel of course.
For those interested here is the prelim sketch
I seem to be on a kirby dots kick this week so here is today’s sketch challenge submission – Doctor Occult [link]
Just a quick sketch of Thing from Fantastic 4 by Marvel. I think his head might be a bit thin to be honest. I will do better next time. Promise.
I created this image and accompanying text for the Freedom Endures Contest over at
Real Heroes:
Another day and another presentation, one of the duties that Steve Rogers hadn’t really considered when he stepped into that army laboratory all those decades ago. Not that he really minded, it was just that he was never particularly comfortable with the false pomp, despite having lost count of the number of times he had attended one of these things. He mused to himself that while he would rather have been off fighting somewhere he was also supposed to be a symbol of inspiration to the whole nation – even now when there often was no clearly defined enemy as there had been during World War II. It was perhaps even more important that he show up and press the flesh, make people feel comfortable that there were greater powers out there protecting them.
So here he was in the Village accepting a gaudy looking gold plated key from the chairman of the local business association on behalf of the Avengers as a token of gratitude for saving the City from some menace or other. Steve smiled and waved for the crowds, the mid afternoon sun glinting sharply off his shield and casting reflected light onto the upturned faces around the makeshift stage upon which he stood. A final wave and then down the steps so sign some autographs and take some pictures with the locals. As he descended a flash of light from somewhere high to his left caught his eye and he turned to see a mushroom of flame and dust blossoming from midway up one of the nearby skyscrapers.
Springing from midway down the steps, Cap rushed through the crowd issuing orders for them to move back towards Bleecker Street and away from the explosion. Smoke and dust was already starting to billow down the street towards the milling crowd. Some people were moving quickly back in the opposite direction but others were standing arms outstretched, the obligatory mobile phones in hand capturing the event for posterity.
Leaving crowd control to the police Cap sprinted into the ever thickening dust cloud which was forming between the high buildings, weaving his way through the passers by running in the opposite direction. Sirens sounded in the distance signalling the on duty police had already radioed in what was happening. As he approached the foot of the burning building a deafening crack sounded overhead causing Cap to look upward. A large portion of the side of the building was starting to buckle outward due to the heat and stress. As he surveyed the damage, masonry began falling to the street. Without really pausing for thought Cap gathered up the stragglers exiting the building and almost pushed them back along the street to safety, using his shield to deflect falling pieces away from the survivors.
After ensuring those nearest to the building were clear of danger, the Captain turned just in time to see some of the floors above the flames give up their battle and begin to finally collapse in on to the fire damaged floors below. A wave of worry and anger rose in him, worry that there may still be people in the building and anger at himself for not moving faster. As he watched the flames leaping through the cracked and broken walls of the once tall building he put his anger aside and steadied himself. Sirens blared around him and glancing over his shoulder he saw the flashing lights of the fire engines approaching through the smoke.
As the engines halted the firemen exploded out, moving into position like a well oiled machine. Hydrants were tapped and water began blasting the blazing building, preventing the blaze from spreading further into the damaged building or spreading to it’s nearest neighbours. Knowing it would be foolhardy to interfere with the fire suppression, Captain America took charge of ensuring anyone exiting the building made their way safely to the hastily set up triage area back along the street, near where he had stood smiling in the sunshine earlier.
As the fire was brought under control rescue crews began pushing up into the building, Cap alongside them as they began the search for survivors. The search continued through the night and into the next morning as the teams slowly worked their way up into the mangled mess that was formerly the middle three or four floors of the building. As they passed into the 17th floor, they entered a larger space where the floor above had caved in leaving a large cavern like gap in the centre of the building.
Sunlight filtered in through holes in the outer wall. As they picked their way through the wreckage, one of the firemen heard a faint groan from beneath a pile of rubble. A he rushed over to investigate, Cap surveyed the area. Spotting a large beam which would prevent access to the area he carefully picked it and began lifting it out of the way, muscles straining beneath his shirt. Seeing what he was trying to do other members of the team rushed to help Cap move the beam away.
Together the team cleared away the remaining debris, freeing the unfortunate office worker who had been trapped there all night. As the paramedics arrived to see to the survivor, Cap and his team moved further into the building, their hopes of finding more survivors raised.
Challenge – The Children from Midwich Cuckoos/Village of the Damned
For today’s sketch challenge I decided to have a bit of fun, I recently saw the Simpson’s episode “Wild Barts Can’t Be Broken” in which the kids take vengeance on the town grown ups by revealing all their secrets. Anyway during which there was a drive-in screening of the movie “The Bloodening” – a parody of Village of the Damned. So I decided to use a screenshot from that movie as reference for this sketch
Turns out my decision to use Hugh Jack as casting for Simon Garth piece the other day, the Monday challenge? Gabriel Van Helsing
As played by Hugh Jackman in the 2004 movie. I also decided to include Richard Roxburgh as his nemesis Dracula
Done in sai with photo references from google
Just a random batman image inspired by a similar Bruce Timm drawing of Batman in the animated style
Just passing the time and sketched up the little toon fox – or is it faux as it is a false fox?
The weekend challenge over at Outcast is to make your favourite character into a ravenous zombie [link]
I decided to do Beast (Marvel 616 classic blue pre kitty cat version) and he is where I have got to so far – beast bouncing down a corridor in the x-mansion looking for more brains and encountering someone scanning the hallways for zombies – hence a targetting overlay for the zombie detector built and operated by Forge (probably)
For those interested in this sort of thing, here are some of the WIP steps
Note that I changed the overlay text based on a suggestion by Nate over at outcast to make it look more like a database output.
Another day, another challenge and another character I am not familiar with, Marvel’s Zombie – Simon Garth [link]
I felt that the concept might make a good movie and thought Hugh Grant would be a good leading man for the role. The pose is somewhat based off a Zombie statue which i used as reference (also referred to for the ripped clothes), while my zombie face is attempting to zombify Hugh. To be honest it looks more like Iron Maiden’s mascot.
Hugh head “before” sketch is about 15 mins work, Zombie is a couple of minutes to capture pose, sketch about 25 mins. full lined image around 25 mins on top of that.
Today’s sketch challenge – Image/Todd McFarlane’s Haunt
I used the 2nd Print Cover to Issue #1 as reference
For those interested the rough sketch below took about 20-30 mins, I haven’t drawn him before and kept wanting to turn him into Spidey / Venom;)
Another fun sketch challenge today – Ghostface from the Scream movie franchise.
Was surprised noone had submitted this for the challenge yet given the mask was modelled on Edvard Munch’s painting The Scream but here is my crappy homage to that painting and the film – just over 60mins in Sai.
Today’s challenge was to do a sketch of the great Lon Chaney Jr – horror stalwart and sometime Wolfman/Frankenstein actor.
I wanted to do something a it different so I used the following as reference and
Each sketch took about 30 mins so 60 mins in total.
Well I was going through some of photos for sketch challenge over at Outcast (the one i ended up submitting images of my dad and granddad for) and found this image of me and my brother taken back in the 70s – probably 76 judging by the rosy tans
anyway I thought I would have a go at sketching it and this is the result. Too late sadly to add to the other submissions for the challenge but felt I should finish it and thus complete 3 generations of the family [link]
Done entirely in Sai.
This weekend’s challenge over at Outcast was to reimagine a public domain character [link] using one of the characters from PDSH [link]
I browsed through the characters and came across NoMan [link] – Anthony Dunn transferred his consciousness into a series of artificial bodies to try and become immortal – he became founding member of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. and gained an invisibility cloak.
In my reimagining, Anthony Dunn is a scientist working on invisibility and phasing technology to allow infiltration of enemy facilities without causing damage. While still in the early stages of testing Dunn was bombarded with unstable energy from his phasing generator which caused his body to being to erode away into dust. Unwilling to give up on life just yet, Dunn managed to reach another piece of experimental equipment within the lab, managing to transfer his consciousness into the formerly lifeless body of a battle droid.
Forced to live within the artificial body Dunn continued with his work, hoping for a way to reconstitute his own body and return to it. Unable to stabilise the phasing process he abandoned this part of his project to concentrate on the invisibility angle, ultimately creating a suit that was capable of bending electromagnetic energy around itself. This effectively left the wearer invisible to most forms of detection.
The government was unwilling to test the suit on another person and so Dunn (as a robot) was forced to test it. Instead of returning to the military base he was working from, he used it to escape in order to be free to continue his own agenda while using the suit to help others when he could as NoMan