Namor: The Sub-Mariner

A mock up of a cover for a Sub-Mariner comic book. I’m not sure who the model is but i found it thru a link Lady D posted [Thanks :)]. I Added additional water at the front and extended the background above to allow make a nicer size canvas (although looking at it again it needs more work still to make it a bit less obvious – hindsight eh!). Added the belt, buckle and bracelets using various gradient fills and the burn tool. The buckle is based on an actual shell. Gave him ear points using the smudge tool. Shorts coloured. Logos and title added.

Supergirl Lives

I recently saw someone do a WW manip using this Kirsten Dunst base pic. I immediately said to myself she would make a great Supergirl and so here it is.

The S-logo is my own work using vectors. It is used on her shirt and in the main logo. The t-shirt was made by selecting the exposed skin on her chest and promoting it to a new layer. I then reduced the saturation and colored it slightly blue (as true white doesnt look like real white). I then smudged her breasts to give the impression it was figure hugging [after looking at it for a while, i guess i could have worked at this some more :)].

The skirt was added manually over her pants and shaded with a few wrinkles. The boot laces were added manually to the complete the costume. The background i created previously for some of my Cap America pics. It was lit to give the impression of bright spot lights. Added a shadow on the floor and wall manually using a deformed filled shape of kirsten, blurred using the gaussian blur. Also added a hint of some buildings at the foot of the flag. I think it turned out ok for a couple of hours work.

Wolverine Vs Hulk #1

Another in my series of manips using busts as the basis for the picture. This is the first version of a pic using Hulk and Wolvie busts to recreate their battle in the woods, this time beside a lake. The hulk model is pretty much untouched other than altering the angle a bit to give more of a lunge. Wolvie I had to alter the angle of the head so he was looking upward slightly rather than down. The combined pic was then run through my ‘grainy drawing’ process to give the effect you see and I added the logos.


Previously: Well this is one that i have had hanging about incomplete for a looooong time. It started as a black and white photo of body builder Frank Hillebrand. A lot or burning and multiplying and addition of a head made him venom. At this stage I drew a blank as to what background to put it on. Today: I finally got the inspiration (based on my Black Widow pic) to having him towering over a cityscape of New York, so here it is 🙂

Target: Warren Worthington

Just a quickie really. After i submitted the Beast pic, I figured I could do the same to classic Angel. Again it was a bust on a rock, found a matching background (The eagle eyed among you may recognise it from an early hulk manip i did). A bit of cutting n blending and a few filters and i had a painty pic. i added the heads up display as though a Sentinel was targeting him – hence the title. The red ‘beam’ through the pic is Cyclops clearing a path through the Sentinel for Angel.

Target: Scott Summers

Just a quickie really. After i submitted the Beast pic, I figured I could do the same to classic Cyclops. Again it was a bust on a rock, found a matching background (The eagle eyed among you may recognise it from an early hulk manip i did). A bit of cutting n blending and a few filters and i had a painty pic. i added the heads up display as though a Sentinel was targeting him – hence the title.

CoConcepts: Judgement’s Day

DCG Theme Day – Your own interpretation of other members character. Something about WonderWomanGoddess’s character description appealed to me and so here is my attempt at bringing it to life. I hope you don’t mind I took a couple of liberties 🙂 Original Description: “She’s called Judgment. A near death experience gave her the power to see into a persons soul, to see their most extreme sins and virtues. She’s a vigilante, and uses her power to determine if those who cross her path live or die. Visually, she has red hair, pale skin, green eyes. Her eyes have a supernatural green glow. Her standard outfit is a black or dark green tank top, black mini or pants, and old school black cowboy boots. The only distinguishing feature about her outfit really is her belt buckle, which is a metal pentagram with a green eye in the center of it.

Spiderman: Liberty Lost…

Well I took some of your comments on the old spidey pic i posted, and along with a bit of artistic licence created this fake cover/splash page style pic. The basic structure and elements of the pic are the same (spiderman statuette). I decided to add the statue of liberty in the background (hence the title) and thought the smudgy painted look would maybe bring the whole pic together. Airbrushed some mist/clouds over the top of spidey and the wall (which is a flat fill of bricks distorted and smudged). Is this better than the Blast from the Past? You tell me.

Blast from the Past: Transgender Captain America

Well this is one i never got round to submitting for the Transgender theme day, but since i had three pics in it already, i don’t suppose anyone missed another one. Same base pic as i used for a Invisible Woman manip, I think Peta Wilson is a great model for this sort of thing. maybe even a good casting choice :p