A belated entry to the Films2Comics Theme day. I forgot when this was due and all the pics today reminded me.. must check the Calender thread more often..grrr. I finally finished this one tonight, mostly just laying out and the 3D effect. Yoda started out as a bust complete with white plastic light sabre. First thing i did was cut him out of the background. I added the glow to the plastic light sabre as per the process in the Hints N Tips thread. The background is a section of one I used before in a Transgender submission. Duplicated the Yoda layer, colorized it red. Set this to soft light at about 50% opacity. this gave Yoda a slightly red feeling to match the background. Added the border and text using vectors. I merged then merged all the layers. Created a new empty image and filled a layer with a wood texture. Free-deformed this to create a ‘desktop’ feel. I dragged the Yoda pic onto a new layer in the desk image. I free deformed it till i had a nice perspective. Duplicated this layer to make front and back covers. Then it was a matter of adding the pages using the line tool, and also the shading where the bindings are.. and we have a trade paperback version of Yoda’s adventures on and off of Dagoba with the few remnants of the Jedi Order he managed to save after Darth Vader’s betrayal.